What happens if you don't switch your phone to airplane mode?

If you've flown in the past few years, you've probably noticed that the flight attendants and/or pilots will tell you to put your phone in "Airplane Mode" before takeoff. While most of us will dutifully oblige, have you ever stopped to think about why they ask you to do that?

  • Some people think you have to turn your phone completely off for a flight, but you don't actually need to.
  • Instead, you can initiate Airplane Mode.
  • If your phone is on normal mode, the pilot might be able to hear a buzzing sound, intercepting air traffic control.
  • Pilots admit it is not a hazard to safety, the buzzing due to cell phone traffic is persistent and annoying.
  • So it's not as if your phone will cause major problems, but it's just better for everyone if you turn it to Airplane Mode.
  • :)
Source: Lifebuzz. Read more here.


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